A kind of gratin with potatoes

This is one of the dishes at a real Swedish smorgasbord. It is often served with beer and salad as a night meal at parties.

Jansson is the family name of the person who invented this dish. Every Swede knows about Jansson's Temptation, but nobody knows just who Jansson was.


(Serves 2)


  1. Chop the onion finely. Peel the potatoes and cut them in strips. Chop the anchovy.
  2. Put potatoes, onion and anchovy in layers in a greased pan. Make sure that the top layer has only potatoes showing. Pour the cream over it. Sprinkle on some bread crumbs and some pats of butter.
  3. Bake in oven for about 40 minutes at 200C until the potatoes are soft.


If you are the "Jane Fonda" type, you can mix milk and cream, instead of only cream.


Difficulty: easy.
Time: 20 minutes preparation, 40 minutes baking.
Precision: No need to measure.


Anders Rantila  
CS Dept, Univ of Linkoping, Sweden 
Recipe last modified: 20 Jan 87

Original header

Path: decwrl!recipes
From: ara@liuda.uucp (Anders Rantila)
Newsgroups: mod.recipes
Subject: RECIPE: Jansson's temptation (traditional Swedish dish)
Message-ID: <8588@decwrl.DEC.COM>
Date: 13 Mar 87 04:11:10 GMT
Sender: recipes@decwrl.DEC.COM
Organization: Dept of Comp and Info Science, Univ of Linkoping, Sweden
Lines: 49
Approved: reid@decwrl.UUCP

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