
Te-centralen (The Tea Central) is an informal group of approximately a dozen people that has found it much cheaper and convenient to coordinate their purchases of comics, anime, manga, and related items.

The arrival of new packets of stuff is often celebrated by viewing the included anime films together.

The group is local to Linköping, and is not an association or society: There is no membership, no membership zines, no chairpersons or organization and no fees.

Coordinator and convener is Mats Hultqvist (mhulan@lysator.liu.se), the enthustiast who managed to capture the rest and persuade them to join. It is also his LD and VHS players we are wearing out.

The name of the group comes from the copious amounts of tea that is consumed whenever we convene.

Anime and Manga @ Lysator / Mats Öhrman / 07 Jun 95